Open up a new revenue stream with an e-commerce website package. Strengthen your brand and design a tailored checkout flow. Offer custom delivery options and streamline shipping.
Order today and get FREE online competitor analysis and a projection of potential business growth online.
Take your business to the next level with an e-commerce website package and provide your customers with a unique online shopping experience. Your products are one-of-a-kind, so why not make your store stand out too? You can open up a new revenue stream while strengthening your brand by selling physical or digital goods, t-shirts, prints, classes, stock photos, or any other product.
You can easily add custom fields to display product information and exclusive variants. Design a checkout flow that's tailored to your product types and offer custom delivery options like shipping, takeout, or email delivery. Streamline your shipping process and manage shipping settings and fulfillment. Personalize shipping regions and rules and keep your orders synced with shipping software to generate shipping labels and automate order tracking. Plus, you can give your customers the option to pay with a credit card, PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay, all with the security and fraud protection powered by Stripe and PayPal.
Stay on top of orders with a user-friendly order management dashboard. Automatically calculate sales tax and VAT for customers in the United States, Canada, the European Union, and Australia.
Please note that the package price does NOT include maintenance and website hosting.
Post-Digital Agency offers a free consultation and will provide a customized strategy from our experienced professionals.